Google map link - IBM Connections Profile customization
Tomorrow I will give a session at the Dominopoint Days in Milano on customizing IBM Connections and there I will show a simple Profile customization example.
In this example I added a home address as link which will open the address on Google maps
How to do this is pretty simple, create a resource bundle for your labels, check out profiles-config.xml and add the attribute to profiles-config.xml and profiles-types.xml.
Now open profileDetails.ftl and here you have to add the magic:
<@util.renderProperty ref=”homeaddress” nlsBundle=”belsoft” nlsKey=”label.belsoft.homeAddress”
hideIfEmpty=true ; ref, dataId, dataKey, nlsKey, nlsBundle>
<th scope=”row”><@util.renderNls nlsKey=nlsKey nlsBundle=nlsBundle/></th>
<a target=”_blank” href=”<@util.renderValue ref=ref/>” >
<@util.renderValue ref=ref/> </a>